What to expect at the Finisher’s Area
At the end of your Wellness Walk, after you’ve collected your well deserved finisher’s medal and taken a breather, you can enjoy a moment of satisfaction and pride with other participants, friends and family.
Spend some time in our Finisher’s Area where you can pose for a photo on our finisher’s podium, get a relaxing massage, write on our gratitude board or speak to a specialist diabetes dietitian.
Enjoy being part of a community, connected by the same aims – making positive changes for a healthier future and raising money for a world where diabetes can do no harm.

Wellness Activities

Diabetes Experts

Rest and Reflect

At the Finisher’s Area, you’ll find:
There was no destination in the sat nav before I became unwell. I was working really hard but with no end game. This has now changed, and I am living life more on my terms.